Welcome to Burl’s Page on Auctioneering! I am licensed by the American Auction Academy. I specialize in providing top-notch auctioneering services for a wide range of items, from antiques and collectibles to real estate and equipment. I and my team of professional auctioneers are dedicated to ensuring that your sale is a success from start to finish.

Why choose me as your auctioneer? Here are just a few of the benefits you’ll enjoy:

Efficient and Effective Sales

My job is creating excitement among potential bidders, managing the bidding process, and ultimately driving up the price. I take care of every aspect of the sale, from advertising and organizing the event to handling the paperwork and collecting payment, ensuring a smooth and successful sale.

Fair Market Value

I understand the importance of achieving a fair market value for your items. That’s why I will work with you to set the right starting price, create competition among bidders, and ultimately drive up the price to ensure you get the most value for your items.


I am an expert in my field and can provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about your sale. I can advise you on the best time to hold the sale, which items to sell, and how to maximize the potential of your sale.


Organizing a sale can be a time-consuming and overwhelming task. That’s why I take care of everything, from start to finish. You can relax and let me handle the entire process, knowing that your sale is in good hands.


My auctions attract a diverse range of buyers, ensuring that your items receive maximum exposure and interest. This can result in higher bids and a more successful sale.

I am committed to providing the highest level of auctioneering services to my clients. With my expertise and experience, I can be confident that your sale will be a success. Contact me today to learn more about our auctioneering services and to schedule your sale.